Where do you want your science to take you?
Career Pathways Series - 2018
Participants of the Career Pathways Series were surveyedafter the completion of the program. The evaluation report, which can be found here, considers how the program met our objectives.
Academia, at one time, was the leading career path chosen by doctoral recipients. However, in today’s diversifying job market, a background in science can lead to a range of careers, in and out of academics.
The direction you choose depends on the question, “Where do you want science to take you?” To help answer that question, WiSPP is presenting a series to showcase diversity in the scientific workforce. This series will focus on the tools needed to empower scientists to be in the driver's seat of their careers, and will also provide an understanding on how to cope with career challenges.
Program Structure
This series launches with a career pathways showcase event on 21 June, followed by three workshops focused on key themes for career progression. Each event is open to anyone interested in a career in science, whether in or out of academia. Register for one or all events.
June 21 - Career pathways showcase
Location: Walter and Eliza Hall Institute - Level 7 Auditorium
Hear stories from six presenters with diverse careers in science. Break into smaller groups for Q&A for a chance to ask questions that matter to you. Join us for lunch afterwards.
July 16 - Interview skills and assertiveness workshop
Location: The Peter Doherty Institute - Auditorium
Jill Noble will facilitate a two hour workshop focused on interview skills and assertiveness. Jill works with companies to improve their HR, and individuals to improve their professional development.
September 13 - Resilience in Science workshop
Murdoch Children's Research Institute - Ella Latham Theatre
WALT Institute will facilitate a two-hour workshop on building and maintaining resilience in science. WALT Institute specializes in career coaching and authentic leadership training.
October 15 - Writing your CV workshop
Peter Maccallum Cancer Centre - Meeting Room 7B
Marilyn Jones will facilitate a two-hour workshop on writing your CV, cover letter, and selection criteria. Marilyn will share her experience as a recruiter and how that relates to your job search.